‘The picture of Psyche and Cupid was introduced by the Year 5s and 6s, who explained the story and how the art work tells the story. I then read them a KS1 friendly version of the story. The children talked about what they thought we could learn from the story and eventually we came out with the idea that no matter the difficulties in your way, if you really love someone, that love will overcome any barrier. During the Cold Write pupils created a story based on our topic, space, but using the painting as inspiration. We studied the work of Eric Carle as the focus of the project was collage. During the Big Draw day we produced a triptych based on our class story. An artist and handbag designer came into school for the day to help us. She showed us her work and the triptych was inspired as a result of seeing her work. The day was so much fun and we worked together so well. The project has so many different aspects and fed into our work in literacy, topic work, PSHE and dance.’
Vicky Petty, Class Teacher and Deputy Head